Contoh Application Letter dan CV

Jakarta, Desember 11 , 2016

Subject                        : Application for being a new Assistant Laboratory
Staff Accounting Lab Advanced B
Universitas Gunadarma
Jl. Akses UI,  Depok

Dear Sir or Madam,
In connection with the information obtained stating that, Lab Accounting Taxation Advanced B being an opening so I volunteered to join as assistant Lab Accounting Taxation Advanced B. I the undersigned below : 
Name                                     : Rizka Setyawati
Place and Date of Birth        : Temanggung, November 12th, 1996
Status                                    : Student
Subject                                  : S1-Accounting
Address                                : Jl. Binawarga, Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta
Phone / Hp                            : 0896xxxxxxxx
E-mail                                   :
I have good health, able to work well together, and as consideration I attach yan things are needed:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Copy KRS
3. Summary of the semester 4
4. Photo 4x6
Similarly, a cover letter that I created with the truth. I hope to be accepted as a laboratory assistant. Thank you for your attention.


Rizka Setyawati


Personal Identities

Name                           : Rizka Setyawati
Place & Date of Birth : Temanggung, November 12th, 1996
Gender                         : Female
Religion                       : Islam
Nationality                  : Indonesia
Address                       : Jl. Binawarga Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta
Phone Number            : 0896xxxxxxxx
Email                           : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.coom

Formal Education Background
School Place Year
Elementary School      : SD Negeri 03 Pagi, Pejaten Timur – South Jakarta  2006
Junior High School     : SMP Negeri 46 Jakarta - South Jakarta 2009
Senior High School     : SMK Negeri 47 Jakarta - South Jakarta 2012
University                   : Accounting, Economy Faculty of Gunadarma University, Indonesia

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