Inquiry and Order Letter

Definition of Inquiry Letter

A document requesting information sent on behalf of an individual or an organisation for their own respective purposes, which can be mutually beneficial to the recipient and the sender.
The term ‘Inquiry’ is same as ‘Enquiry’. The former is more commonly used in U.S. and the latter one is more common in U.K. There are some other terms which represent the letters; these are Letter of Intent, Letter of Interest,Query letter, Prospecting Letter, Pre-proposal Letter and Concept Paper. The term ‘Cover Letter’, ‘Business Letter’, ‘Request Letter’ and ‘Sales Letter’ is also applied to an inquiry letter especially when the objective is same as that of letter for inquiry.
A letter of inquiry serves to facilitate business operations and satisfaction of the sender. Inquiry letters remove any misunderstanding and are time savers, especially when two parties want to reach an understanding. The communication towards this effect resolves the issue without any delay. With relation to it being a ‘Pre-proposal letter’, the inquiry letter is also termed as a ‘Condensed Version of a Proposal’. It is the outcome of the purpose of the letter which highlights the points of a proposal instead of a full-fledged proposal.
On an individual’s basis, these letters are sent to companies that are willing to hire but haven't advertised job openings. It can also be a letter addressed to editor in-charge of a publication proposing certain literary work. It can be a letter from a student who is vying for a seat in a college or a business that provides an internship. So, the objective of an enquiry letter is same but its projections and audiences are different. Same goes for its method of delivery, it can be sent via paper mail or electronic mail.

Inquiry Letter example :

Street address
City, State ZIP code
Phone number


Individual's name
Job title
Name of organization
Street address
City, State ZIP code

Dear Mr./Ms. ________________________________:
I am writing to ask you to consider an addition to your marketing team. Your organization has been in the news as a leader in the industry. I am an innovator of new ideas, an excellent communicator with buyers, and have a demonstrated history of marketing success. I believe I would be a good fit in your organization.
Currently, I market computer products for a major supplier using television, radio and news advertising. I have a reputation for seeing every project through to success.
Enclosed is my resume for your review and consideration. EFTG Industries has a reputation for excellence. I would like to use my talents to market your quality line of technical products. I will call you to further discuss your needs and how I could benefit your company. If you prefer, you may reach me in the evenings at (555) 555-5555.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting you.


(Your Signature in blue or black ink)
Your typed name

Definition of Order Letter

The quotations are the ‘offer’ made by the seller and the order through a letter is the ‘acceptance’ of the offer. This offer is the link which establishes a legal relation between the seller and the buyer and therefore buyer can purchases and seller can sell goods or services. Simply, a letter of order is an instruction from a buyer to a” seller to supply goods or services.
In broad, sense, an order letter is a letter which carries messages to the seller requesting him to send the specified goods on stated terms and conditions agreed upon previously.
Such a letter includes product related information like quantity, value, date of shipment, terms of sale, payment system and other^ While drafting an order letter, the buyer must make order in a clear, complete and accurate way so that it may be correctly understood and promptly executed by the seller or producer.

Order Letter Example :

The recipient's address: 
Dear Mr. / Mrs.                     This letter is a formal confirmation about the verbal order that we had discussed earlier on (insert the date). I just wanted you to confirm the acceptance that was communicated to you on the said date. As you note, there is an enclosed copy of the purchased order including the terms and all other included conditions of the deal.

We shall expect the delivery of the merchandise on or before the expected date. Unless if there is an objection within the (period of grace) of your receipt of the order.

Thank you, 

(Your name)


Sumber :

Surat Pengajuan Aktif Kuliah

Yth. Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi
Universitas Gunadarma
Di Tempat

Dengan hormat,
Dengan ini saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :
Rizka Setyawati
:  29214593
:  Ekonomi/Akuntansi
:  V (Lima)
:  Srengseng Sawah, Jakarta Selatan
Mengajukan permohonan masih aktif kuliah di Fakultas/Jurusan : Ekonomi/Akuntansi, Universitas Gunadarma di tahun akademik 2016/2017.
Demikian surat ini saya ajukan mohon diterbitkan Surat Permohonan Aktif Kuliah, atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Jakarta, 12 Oktober 2016
Rizka Setyawati

Ketua Jurusan,
Dr. Imam Subaweh, Ak.
Pembimbing Akademik,
Meriska Yosiana

Tembusan :
1. Ketua Jurusan
2. Dosen Pembimbing Akademik
4. Biro Keuangan
5. Arsip

Styles and Format of Business Letter

Most business letters must include a return address (letterhead or your name and address), date, an inside address (receiver's name and address), a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. However, there are several ways to format this information. For example, return addresses can be centered or begin at the left margin or begin at the horizontal center of the page.
There are four basic business letter formats.

Letter Format
Sample Letter
Full Block
All letter parts begin at the left margin.
Full Block
Modified Block
Indented Paragraphs
Date, signature, and closing begin at the horizontal center of the page. All body paragraphs are indented.
Indented Paragraphs
Blocked Paragraphs
Date, signature, and closing begin at the horizontal center of the page. All body paragraphs begin at the left margin.
Blocked Paragraphs
All letter parts begin at the left margin. This format includes a subject line but omits the salutation and signature.

Format for Writing Professional Letters
There are several formats for writing professional letters. There are two basic styles of letters: block form and indented form. The samples below will help you determine which style you prefer.
Check Writing Letters for more details on block, indented and simplified letters.

Full Block Form

Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)


Name of Receiver
Company Name
Dear __________:
When writing a letter using block form, no lines are indented. Include your name, address, and phone number where you can be contacted, as well as the date. You then include the name and address of the person you are sending the letter to.
With new paragraphs, just skip a line instead of indenting.
Add your phone number where you can be contacted in the last paragraph. If the receiver needs to use a relay service to call you, briefly explain that you are deaf/ hard-of-hearing and that s/he can call you through relay. Give the receiver his/her state relay number and explain that s/he will need to give the operator your number. Then give him/her your number.
Your Signature
Your Name
Your Title

Indented Paragraphs Form
Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)


Name of Receiver
Company Name
Dear __________:
               When writing a letter using indented form, indent each paragraph. First include your name, address, phone number, and the date. This information should be located at the top of the page, either in the center, or indented on the right side of the paper. You then include the name and address of the person to whom you are sending the letter.
               At the end of the letter, place your signature on the right side of the page. Don't forget to provide any relay information if necessary.

Your Signature
Your Name
Your Title

Blocked Paragraphs Form
Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)


Name of Receiver
Company Name
Dear __________:
When writing a letter using blocked form, indent each paragraph. First include your name, address, phone number, and the date. This information should be located at the top of the page, either in the center, or indented on the right side of the paper. You then include the name and address of the person to whom you are sending the letter.
At the end of the letter, place your signature on the right side of the page. Don't forget to provide any relay information if necessary.

Your Signature
Your Name
Your Title

Simplified Style Form

Your Name
Phone Number
E-mail (optional)


Name of Receiver
Company Name

SUBJECT LINE (use capital letters)

When writing a letter using simplified style form, put the date on the left. Then, put the receiver's name, and his/her title, company name, and address.
Write a subject line instead of a salutation. The subject line must be in all capital letters.
At the end of the letter, put your name and title, all in capital letters.



  • If you are using block format, you can place your address anywhere on the letter. You can place it at the top of the page (top center or top right side), or you can put your address at the end of the letter after your signature and name, regardless of which format you use.
  • If you are using block form, you can place the date on the left, in the center, or on the right. However, if you are using the indented form, it is usually better to place the date on the right or on the left. Do not put it in the center.
  • With the indented form, you can put your signature on the right or left side of the page.
  • If you want to make your letter stand out, boldly type your name in a larger font at the top of the letter and type your address just below it in a smaller font. Example:
    Missy Gold

    1345 Main Street
    Anytown, VA 22879
  • The word processing program in your computer might have some standard letter templates that can help you. These programs generally have many different style and format options. Check your template feature or the help desk on your word processing program to see your options. Some key words you can try are:
    • letters
    • create a letter
    • write a letter
    • resumes
  • Sourced by Janel Muyesseroglu 
  • Gallaudet Interpreting Services (June 1999). GIS Web. [Online]. Available: [June 23, 1999]. 
  • Maggio, R. (1990). How to say it. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 
  • Webster's New World Office Professional's Handbook. (5th ed.). (1996). New York: Macmillan. 
  • Yate, M. (1997). Cover letters that knock'em dead. Holbrook, Massachusetts: Adams Media Corporation